Collected over the last few months...
Noah: "All this hard work [making Lincoln Log houses] makes me have to go PEE PEE!!!"
Noah is 3 going on 13. Today I was busy doing laundry and getting dressed. Every other minute he wanted me to go look at his Lincoln Log house, get him a snack, etc. I said "Just wait Noah" and he replied in his most sarcastic voice, "What, do you have to go to BOOK CLUB?!?"
Cole and Noah were eating lunch. We always tell them if they eat this or that healthy food they will get taller, stronger, or smarter. Cole asked if eating turkey will make him taller? I said yes. Noah got this worried look on his face and asked "Is the food I'm eating going to make me shorter?"Today at story time Cole was playing with a boy named Keller. On the way home I asked Cole "Did you know that boy Keller from before?" Cole said, "Keller? I thought his name was Cuddler."
While we were on vacation using a rest stop Cole said "Mama, why don't you do stand up pee pee?" I was feeling annoyed by another gross bathroom and said straightforwardly, "Because I don't have a weiner." (that is the term the boys use) The next morning we were eating breakfast at the hotel breakfast room. Cole wanted me to try his Honey Nut Cheerios, I said "No thanks" and he said loudly "Why, because you don't have a weiner?"
We saw a mattress on top of a car. John asked Cole, "What do you think they're doing with that mattress?" Cole replied, "I think they're going camping"
Cole said he wanted to go to the jungle and I said I didn't know how to get there. He said "Just do what you do, put it in destination." (navigation)
Today Cole asked why Dada was my husband. I said because we fell in love and got married. Cole replied "You fell in the oven and got married?!"
Sept 9, 2010 Noah and I were driving through boystown after going to the paint store. Noah noticed some pictures of men up on the window of a gay bar (at Belmont/Halsted- Spin) and said, "I want muscles like that! Then I can wrestle in my underwear."
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